I am a researcher working in logic and its manifestations in mathematics, computer science and philosophy. The foundations of my work are in ZFC set theory, including large cardinals, and its connections with any of the subjects mentioned above.
In addition to my mathematical work, I take seriously the idea of an engaged intellectual and believe that the academic community has a duty of having an opinion.
[1] Mirna Damonja, Théorie des ensembles pour les philosophes, Editions Univ.Europ. 2017, 180 pp available at
[2] Mirna Damonja, Fast Track to Forcing, Cambridge University Press, London Mathematical Society Student Texts and Lecture Notes Series vol. 98 (2020). available at
Some comments and corrections (see the pdf files directly by going to the page at the bottom of the screen): (1) Definition of the intersection (2) Proof of 15.6.1
(see below for mathematical preprints, philosophical articles , historical articles , surveys , notes , book reviews , and other articles (this list does not include articles in preparation. My Ph.D. students publish their thesis work in articles with their name only).
[62] Francesco Parente and Mirna Damonja, Properties preserved by classes of Chu transforms , submitted ,
arxiv preprint.
[61] Adam Bartoš, Mirna Damonja (withdrew as author after submission) and Wiesłav Kubiś, Uncountable homogeneous structures, submitted ,
arxiv preprint.
[60] Mirna Damonja (withdrew as author after conditional acceptance) and Isa Vialard, On maximal order type of the lexicographic product, submitted ,
arxiv preprint. Proofs in this paper are wrong and hence the
theorem claimed by Vialard remains without proof.
[59] Uri Abraham, Robert Bonnet, Mirna Damonja (withdrew as author after acceptance) and Maurice Pouzet, On the ABK Conjecture, alpha-well Quasi Orders and Dress-Schiffels product, to appear in
Topology and Its Applications, arxiv preprint.
[58] Dana Bartošová, Mirna Damonja, Rehana Patel and Lynn Scow, Big Ramsey degrees in ultraproducts of finite structures,
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic ,vol.351 (2024), pg. 1-28 arxiv preprint .
[57] David Buhagiar and Mirna Damonja, On middle box products and paracompact cardinals,
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic , vol. 175 (2024)(25 pages),
arXiv version .
[56] Mirna Damonja, Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki and Lawrence C. Paulson FRS, Formalising Ordinal Partition Relations Using Isabelle/HOL,
Experimental Mathematics (2021), AHEAD-OF-PRINT, 1-18
arXiv version .
[55] Mirna Damonja and Saharon Shelah, On wide Aronszajn trees in the presence of MA, the Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 86 (2021), no. 1, pg. 210-223,
arxiv 2002.02396 in math.LO
[54] David Buhagiar and Mirna Damonja, Square Compactness and the filter extension property,
Fundamenta Mathematicae
vol. 252 (2021) 325-342, DOI: 10.4064/fm787-4-2020.
[53] Mirna Damonja and Jouko Väänänen, Chain Logic and Shelah's Infinitary Logic, to appear in the Israel Journal of Mathematics
arxiv 1908.01177 in math.LO
[52] Mirna Damonja and Jouko Väänänen, Some strong logics within combinatorial set
theory and the logic of chains,
Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, vol. 14 (27), No. 2 pg. 133-141 (2018), DOI: 10.5644/SJM.14.2.02..
[51] Mirna Damonja and Ivan Tomašić, Graphons arising from graphs definable over finite
fields, Colloquium Mathematicum, vol. 169 No. 2 pg. 269-306 (2022) arxiv 1707.06296 in math.LO
[50] Mirna Damonja, Sylvain Schmitz and
Philippe Schnoebelen, On ordinal invariants in well quasi orders and finite antichain orders, a book chapter in ``
Well-Quasi Orders in Logic and Related Areas", M. Seisenberger, P. Schuster and A. Weiermann (eds.), Springer Trends in Logic (2020) pg.29-54 preprint version
ERRATUM:We incorrectly claimed in Lemma 4.4(1) the formula o(P.Q)=o(P).o(Q) for wpos P and Q and incorrectly attributed it to Abraham and Bonnet.
Harry Altman (March 2024) found that this formula is not correct. By considering P=omega+1, Q_0 a 2-element antichain and Q_1 a 2-element chain, we can see that o(P. Q_0) is different
from o(P.Q_1) while o(Q_0)=o(Q_1). Hence no formula depending only on o(P) and o(Q) can be found for o(P\cdot Q). We in addition incorrectly claimed in 4.4(2) that the formula for
h(P.Q) was due to Abraham and Bonnet.
[49] Mirna Damonja, Universal infinite clique-omitting graphs, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics a Vol.12 (25) No. 2, (2016) pg. 151-154, DOI: 10.5644/SJM.12.2.02
pdf file .
[48] Mirna Damonja, Paragraded structures inspired by mathematical logic, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics vol. 12 (25), No.2, (2016), 1-9, Suppl., pdf file .
[47] Mirna Damonja, Some Banach spaces added by a Cohen real,
Topology and Its Applications, vol. 195 (2015), pg. 246-255 pdf file .
[46] James Cummings, Mirna Damonja and Charles Morgan, Small universal families of graphs on $\aleph_{\omega+1}$, Journal of Symbolic Logic
vol. 81, num. 2, (2016), pp 541 - 569 online: 29 June 2016., DOI: 10.1017/jsl.2015.65, pdf file .
[45] James Cummings, Mirna Damonja, Menachem Magidor, Charles Morgan and Saharon
Shelah, A framework for forcing constructions at successors of singular cardinals,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society , vol. 369, no.10, October 2017, pg. 7405-7441, online May 31, 2017.
pdf file
[44] Mirna Damonja, Isomorphic universality and the number of pairwise non-isomorphic models in the class of Banach spaces,
Abstract and Applied Analysis,
vol. 2014, Article ID 184071, 11 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/184071
pdf file .
[43] Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja and Mirna Damonja,
On the isomorphism problem for measures on Boolean algebras,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
vol. 405 (2013) pg. 37-51, published online 26 March 2013,
pdf file
[42] Gregor Dolinar and Mirna Damonja,
Forcing Square_{omega_1} with finite conditions,
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic
, online publication complete 11-SEP-2012,
vol. 164 (2013), pg. 49-64, DOI information 10.1016/j.apal.2012.09.002,
pdf file
[41] Uri Abraham, Robert Bonnet, James Cummings, Mirna Damonja
and Katherine Thompson, A scattering of orders,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society ,
(online publication
complete 02-JUL-2012) vol. 364 (2102), pg. 6259-6278. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/S0002-9947-2012-05466-3
pdf file
[40] Mirna Damonja, Ramsey Methods and the problem DU,
in Young Set Theory Workshop 2009, CRM Publications vol. 7, (2011), 1-12,
ISSN 2014-2323 (printed version) ISSN 2014-2331 (electronic version).
pdf file
[39] Mirna Damonja and István Juhász, CH, a problem of Rolewicz and
bidiscrete systems,
Topology and its Applications, vol. 165, No. 18 (2011), 2485-2494,
Online publication complete: 26-AUG-2011
DOI information: 10.1016/j.topol.2011.08.005,
pdf file
[38] Mirna Damonja and Jouko Väänänen, Chain models, trees of singular cardinality and dynamic EF games, Journal of Mathematical Logic , pdf file vol. 11, No. 1 (2011), 61-85, DOI 10.1142/S0219061311001006.
[37] Mirna Damonja, Jean Larson and Bill Mitchell, Partitions of large Rado graphs, Archive for Math. Logic , pdf file vol. 48, issue 6, (2009), 579-606.
[36] Mirna Damonja, Jean Larson and Bill Mitchell, A partition theorem for a large dense linear order Israel Journal of Mathematics , DOI: 10.1007/s11856-009-0049-2 arXiv full text . vol. 171 (2009), pg. 237-284.
[35] Taras Banakh, Mirna Damonja and Lorenz Halbeisen, Non-separable Banach spaces with non-meager Hamel basis, Studia Mathematica ps file vol. 189 (2008), pg. 27-34.
[34] Mirna Damonja, Representation theorems for connected compact Hausdorff spaces, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics pdf file, vol. 4 (16) (2008), pg. 7-21. A comment .
[33] Mirna Damonja and Grzegorz Plebanek, Strictly Positive Measures on Boolean Algebras, Journal of Symbolic Logic , vol. 73, no. 4 (2008), pg. 1416-1432. journal pdf file.
[32] Mirna Damonja, Sy-David Friedman and Katherine Thompson, Global Complexity Results, in Quaderni di Matematica: Set Theory and Applications, ed. by A. Andretta pdf file, vol. 17 (2007), pg. 25-47.
[31] Mirna Damonja and Grzegorz Plebanek, On Efimov spaces and Radon measures, Topology and its Applications , pdf file, vol. 154, (2007), pg. 2063-2072, DOI .
[30] Mirna Damonja and Saharon Shelah, On properties of theories which preclude the existence of universal models, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 139, (1-3), (2006), pg. 280-302, pdf file.
[29] Mirna Damonja and Joel D. Hamkins, Diamond(Reg) can fail at strongly unfoldable cardinals, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic , vol. 144, issues 1-3 (2006), pg. 83-95, arXiv full text .
[28] Mirna Damonja, Universality of uniform Eberlein compacta, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society , vol. 134 no. 8, (2006) pg. 2427-2435, journal abstract , pdf file .
[27] Mirna Džamonja and Katherine Thompson, A Poset Hierarchy, Central European Journal of Mathematics , vol. 4, no. 2, (2006), pg. 225-241 journal abstract , arXiv full text .
[26] Mirna Damonja and Katherine Thompson, Universality results for well-founded posets, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics , vol. 1. no. 2 (2005), pg. 147-160 journal pdf.
[25] Tomek Bartoszynski, Mirna Damonja, Lorenz Halbeisen, a Murtinova and Anatolij Plichko, On Bases in Banach spaces, Studia Mathematica , vol. 170 (2005), pg. 147-171, journal abstract , ps file. (see also a bibliographic remark in pdf file).
[24] Mirna Damonja
and Saharon Shelah, On the existence
of universal models,
Archive for Mathematical Logic
, vol. 43, no.7 (2004),
pg. 901-936,
journal abstract
arXiv full text
[23] Mirna Damonja and Saharon Shelah, On $\triangleleft$∗ -maximality, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic , vol. 125, (1-3), (2004), pg. 119-158, pdf file of a version revised in March 2011.
[22] Justin Tatch Moore, Michael Hrusak and Mirna Damonja, Parametrized ◊ principles, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society , vol. 356 (2004) no.6 , pg. 2281-2306, journal abstract , arXiv full text .
[21] Mirna Damonja, Peter Komjáth and Charles Morgan, Wild Edge Colourings of Graphs, Journal of Symbolic Logic , vol. 69, no. 1, (2004), pg. 255-264, pdf file .
[20] Mirna Damonja and Grzegorz Plebanek, Precalibre pairs of measure algebras, Topology and its Applications vol. 144, no. 1-3, (2004), pg. 67-94, pdf file.
[19] Mirna Damonja and Jouko Väänänen, A family of trees with no uncountable branches, Topology Proceedings , vol. 28, no. 1, (2004), pg. 113-132, journal abstract , pdf file .
[18] Mirna Damonja and Saharon Shelah, Universal graphs at the successor of a singular cardinal, Journal of Symbolic Logic , vol. 68, no 2 (June 2003), pg. 366-387, pdf file.
[17] Mirna Damonja and Saharon Shelah, Weak reflection at the successor of a singular cardinal, Journal of LMS (2) 67, (2003), no.1, pg. 1-15, pdf file.
[16] Mirna Damonja and Grzegorz Plebanek, Generalisations of epsilon-density, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Mathematica et Physica, vol. 44 no. 2, (2003), pg. 57-64, pdf file.
[15] Mirna Damonja, On $D$-spaces and Discrete Families of Sets, in AMS, DIMACS: Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Sciences, ed. by S. Thomas 58 (2002), pg. 45-63, book announcement , arXiv full text .
[14] Mirna Damonja, On club-like Principles on regular cardinals above ${\rm beth}$ω Acta Universitatis Carolinae Mathematica et Physica , vol. 42 no. 2, (2001), pg. 27-32, arXiv full text .
[13] Arthur Apter and Mirna Damonja, Some remarks on a question of D.H. Fremlin regarding ε-density, Archive for Mathematical Logic , vol. 40 (7), (2001), pg. 531-540, ps file.
[12] Mirna Damonja, On ℘κ λ combinatorics using a third cardinal, Radovi Matematički, vol. 9, no. 2 (2000), pg. 141-155, pdf file.
[11] Mirna Damonja and Saharon Shelah, On versions of $\clubsuit$ on cardinals larger than ℵ1, Mathematica Japonica, vol. 51 no.1 (2000), pg. 53-61, pdf file.
[10] Mirna Damonja and Saharon Shelah, Similar but not the same: various versions of the club principle do not coincide, Journal of Symbolic Logic , vol. 64 (1), (03/1999), pg. 180-198, pdf file .
[9] Mirna Damonja and Saharon Shelah, The club principle does not imply the existence of a Suslin tree, Israel Journal of Mathematics , 113 (1999), 1 63-204; erratum 119 (2000), pg. 379.
[8] Mirna Damonja, A Note on the Splitting Property in Strongly Dense Posets of Size ℵ0, Radovi Matematički , vol. 8, no. 1 (1998), pg. 321-326, pdf file.
[7] Mirna Damonja, On universal Eberlein compacta and c-algebras, Topology Proceedings , vol. 23, (1998) pg. 143-150 journal abstract , pdf file.
[6] Mirna Damonja and Saharon Shelah, Saturated filters at successors of singulars, weak reflection and yet another weak club principle, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 79 (1996), pg. 289-316, journal abstract , arXiv full text .
[5] Mirna Damonja
and Saharon Shelah,
On squares, outside guessing of clubs and
< f[λ]
Fundamenta Mathematicae
148 (1995), pp. 165-198,
journal announcement
arXiv full text
[4] James Cummings, Mirna Damonja
and Saharon Shelah,
A consistency result on
weak reflection,
Fundamenta Mathematicae
, 148-1 (1995), pg. 91-100,
journal announcement
arXiv full text
[3] Mirna Damonja
and Kenneth Kunen,
Properties of the Class of Measure Separable Spaces,
Fundamenta Mathematicae
147-3 (1995), pg. 261-277,
journal pdf
[2] Mirna Damonja
and Kenneth Kunen, Measures on Compact HS Spaces,
Fundamenta Mathematicae
143-1 (1993), pg. 41-54,
journal announcement
journal pdf
[1] Mirna Damonja, A Set Theoretic Approach to Some Problems in Measure Theory, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison a pdf.Z file 1993.
[1] James Cummings, Mirna Damonja and Itay Neeman, Iterating strongly k+-cc forcing posets, arxiv 13/11/2018 pdf file
[6] Mirna Damonja, Multiverse and the Society, in the collection Sriraman, Bharath (ed.): Handbook of History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, Springer Verlag (2024), pg 2365-2382. version on HAL
[5] Mirna Damonja and Deborah Kant, Philosophical with a set theorist, contribution to the book Centrone, Stefania; Kant, Deborah; Sarikaya, Deniz (eds.): Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics - Univalent Foundations, Set Theory and General Thoughts (2019) pg. 3-26. Synthese Library, Springer International Publishing. pdf file
[4] Mirna Damonja, A new foundational crisis in mathematics:is it really happening?, contribution to the book Centrone, Stefania; Kant, Deborah; Sarikaya, Deniz (eds.): Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics - Univalent Foundations, Set Theory and General Thoughts (2019) pg.255-269. Synthese Library, Springer International Publishing arxiv file
[3] Mirna Damonja and Marco Panza, Asymptotic quasi-completeness and ZFC, in "Contradictions, from Consistency to nconsistency" vol. 47 Trends in Logic (Springer) (eds. Carnielli and Malinowski)159-182 pdf file
[2] Mirna Damonja, Set Theory and its Place in the Foundations of Mathematics-a new look at an old question, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research Special Issue on Pluralism, M. Chakreborty and M. Friend (editors), vol. 34 (2017), pg. 415-424. pdf file .
[1] Mirna Damonja, The singular world of singular cardinals, in Logic Without Borders: Essays on Set Theory, Model Theory, Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics (ed. Åsa Hirvonen, Juha Kontinen, Roman Kossak and Andrés) Villaveces De Gruyter, Boston, (2015), 139-146. pdf file .
[1] Hourya Benis and Mirna Damonja, Évolution des mathématiques au XXe siècle et après a chapter in Précis de Philo des Maths et de la Logique, A. Arana, M.Panza, F. Poggiolesi et P. Wagner(eds.) Publications de la Sorbonne (in preparation). pdf file.
[5] Mirna Damonja, Are all natural numbers the same?, to appear. arXiv version .
[4] Mirna Damonja, Forcing Axioms, Finite Conditions and Some More, in Proceedings of the Fifth Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications, January 10-12, 2013, Chennai, India, (ed. Kamal Lodaya) Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (2013), 17-26. pdf file .
[3] Mirna Damonja, Some positive results in the context of universal models, in Set Theory and Its Applications, eds. L. Babinkostova, A. Caicedo, S. Geschke, R. Ketchersid, and M. Scheepers) Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 533, (2011), 1-12. pdf file .
[2] Mirna Damonja, Measure Recognition Problem, Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. A , vol. 364 (2006), pg. 3171-3182 pdf file.
[1] Mirna Damonja, Club guessing and the universal models, Notre Dame Journal for Formal Logic , vol. 46, No. 3, (2005), pg. 283-300 journal abstract , arXiv full text .
[1] Gregor Dolinar and Mirna Damonja, Introducing a nontrivial
square_omega, preprint, but as noticed by Lajos Soukup, this version of
square is too weak ,
pdf file
[6] Mirna Damonja, `Forcing idealized' by J. Zapletal, a review, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 16, no. 2, 2010, pg. 278-279, pdf file .
[5] Mirna Damonja and Grzegorz Plebanek, Four papers of Wieslaw Kubiś and co-authors on inverse systems and Valdivia compacta, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 15, no. 2, 2009, pg. 227-228. pdf file .
[4] Mirna Damonja, A review of ``The Stationary Tower Forcing (Notes on a course by W. Hugh Woodin)" by Paul B. Larson, Bulletin of LMS , vol. 38, no. 3, 2006, pg. 527-528 journal abstract , pdf file .
[3] Mirna Damonja, A review of ``The Foundations of Mathematics in the Theory of Sets" by J.P. Mayberry, Bulletin of LMS , vol. 34, 2002, pg. 243-256. journal abstract , pdf file .
[2] Mirna Damonja, A review of ``Classification and Orbit Equivalence Relations" by Greg Hjorth, Bulletin of LMS, vol. 33, 2001, pg. 248-249 journal abstract , pdf file .
[1] Mirna Damonja,
A review of ``Cardinal Arithmetic" by Saharon Shelah,
Studia Logica, vol. 60 no. 3, April 1998, pg. 443-448
journal pdf
[1] Mirna Damonja and Ian Gibson, Place of Mathematics in the Parliament, Royal Society Newsletter, December 2007 pdf file .
[2] Mirna Damonja, The European Set Theory Society, EMS Newsletter, June 2012 , pg. 45 pdf file .
[3] Georgia Benkart, Mirna Damonja and J. Roitman (co-eds.), Memories of Mary Ellen Rudin,
Notices of AMS June/July 2015 , pg. 617-629
open access file.
[4] Mirna Damonja, Public Oration in honour of the UEA Honorary Doctorate to Esther Mujawayo,
pdf file.
[5] Mirna Damonja, Andras Hajnal, Life and Work, in Logic Around the World (eds. Massoud Pourmahdian and Ali Sadegh Daghigi), On the ocassion of the 5th Annual Conference of the Iranian Association for Logic, A.F.J Publishing, 2017, pg. 147-152
pdf file.
[6] Mirjana Vuković and Mirna Damonja, Obituary for the Academician
Fikret Vajzović, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, Vol.13 (25), No.2, (2017), pg. 133–140 journal article.
[7] Mirna Damonja, A letter to Bohus, Commentationas Mathematicae Universitas Carolinae, vol. 60 (1) 2019, pg. 157-160.
, preprint
[8] Mirna Damonja, Grace Chisholm Young, the first woman set theorist, European Set Theory Society website, preprint
[9] Mirna Damonja, A few words about a successful career, to Mirjana Vuković, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, vol. 14 (27), no.2, pg. 127-131, DOI: 10.5644/SJM. 14.2.01 journal article
[10] Mirna Damonja, Report: Visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, LMS Newsletter, July 2019, pg. 16-17. journal article
[11] Mirna Damonja, Preface to Contes et petites histoires bantous racontés aux enfants du monde ed. Renaissance Africaine, Paris (2020) ISBN : 978-2-38100-007-7
[12] Mirna Damonja, Poems `À l'écrivain et sa lutte and La règle de la vie , in the anthology Let mots face aux maux (Exauc'é Elvin Ngaba Nsilou et Ferr'éol Gassackys eds.) ed. Renessaince Africaine, CJM 'éditions (2020) ISBN : 978-2-38100-005-3
[13] Mirna Damonja, Joan Hart, Andrea Medini and Andrés Villaveces (eds.), In Memory of Ken Kunen, Notices of AMS, vol. 69 No. 10, November 2022, pg. 1758-1769 journal article
[14] Mirna Damonja and Duško Pavlović A Continuation of a Successful Carrer, to Mirjana Vuković, submitted but not appeared in Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics.
[15] Mirna Damonja, [15] Mirna D\v zamonja, A Starting Point for the Mathematics and Informatics Channel for the Association 5MFBiH, 5MFBiH Platform, members area .
This publications list does not include publications in preparation or review articles of papers as written for Mathematical Reviews.
I studied in Yugoslavia and USA, with a Ph.D from UW-Madison, with Ken Kunen. Went as a postdoc at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem with Menachem Magidor and Saharon Shelah, to continue as an Assistant Professor at UW-Madison. Held various grades at the University of East Anglia, UK, up to the Professor of Pure Mathematics (named 2010). Since 2020 I am in Paris, where after being a CNRS researcher for a while, I was an Associated Researcher at IHPST (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne) and IRIF (Université Paris Cité) until 2024. Have had many visiting positions around the world and was a domestic member of the BiH Academy ANUBiH, also until 2024.
I hold titoist political views and am against any political blocks and any wars. A great believer in diplomacy and mediation in politics and justice and law in an organised social system.